Dr. Robert Worley

Dr. Robert Worley

General Information

  • Position: Professor of Criminal Justice
  • E-mail: rworley@lamar.edu
  • Phone: 409-880-7827
  • Office: Maes 82


  • Ph.D. Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, TX, 2006.
  • M.A. Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University, TX, 2001.
  • B.A. Government, University of Texas at Austin, 1996.

University, Professional, and Community Service

  • Editor of ACJS Today
  • Member, ACJS Membership Committee, 2016-2017
  • Member, Arts and Sciences Student-Faculty Relations Committee, 2014-present
  • Freshman Interest Group (FIG) Leader
  • McNair Mentor

Recent Research

My research interests include inmate-guard inappropriate relationships, issues related to publication productivity and rankings in criminology and criminal justice, police and prison officers' liabilities for the use of tasers and stun guns, computer crime and cyber-bullying.

Selected Publications

Worley, R. M. (forthcoming). "Memoirs of a guard-researcher: Deconstructing the games inmates play behind the prison walls."  Deviant Behavior.

Worley, R. M., Worley, V. B. (2016). "The economics of crossing over: Examining the link between correctional-officer pay and guard-inmate boundary violations." Deviant Behavior. Vol. 37, (1): 16-29.

Worley, R. M. Worley, V. B. (2013). "Inmate public autoerotism uncovered: Exploring the dynamics of masturbatory behaviors within correctional facilities." Deviant Behavior. Vol. 34, (1): 11-24.

Worley, R. (2011). "What makes them tick: Lessons on high productivity from leading 21st Century academic stars." Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Vol. 22, (1): pp. 130-149.