Department of Counseling and Special Populations

Location: 105 Education Building, Phone (409) 880-8978

Department Chair: Carl J. Sheperis, Ph.D., NCC, LPC, ACS

Degree Coordinators:

  • M.Ed. – School Counseling -Dr. Rebecca Frels, (409) 880-7867, 213 Education Building
  • M.Ed. -Special Education -Dr. Nancy Carlson, (409) 880-7822, 217 Education Building
  • B.S. -Special Education -Dr. Debra Troxclair, (409) 880-8509, 208 Education Building
  • Endorsement in Gifted Education – Dr. Dorothy Sisk, (409) 880-2316, 103 Education Building

Graduate Faculty

Carl J. Sheperis, Department Chair; Associate Professor, Counseling

William R. Holmes, Associate Dean; Professor, Counseling

Dorothy Sisk, Conn Chair for Gifted and Talented Education; Professor, Special Populations/Gifted/Talented

Mohammad K. Hamza, Professor, Counseling

Carolyn Crawford, Professor Emeritus, Counseling

Nancy Carlson, Associate Professor, Special Education/Educational Diagnostician

Pamela Monk, Associate Professor, Counseling

Fara Goulas, Associate Professor, Special Education

Melanie Bullock, Assistant Professor, Counseling

Rebecca Frels, Assistant Professor, Counseling

Debra Troxclair, Assistant Professor, Special Education

Sedef Smith, Assistant Professor, Special Populations/ESL

R. J. Davis, Assistant Professor, Counseling

Belinda Lopez, Assistant Professor, Counseling

Trisha Harris, Clinical Instructor, Counseling

Degrees Offered


Bachelor of Science in Special Education. EC -12 Special Education – 130 hrs


Master of Education in Professional School Counseling
Master of Education in Counseling and Development
Master of Education in Special Education
Master of Education in Special Education with Educational Diagnostician Certification

Courses of study leading to professional certificates:

  • Educational Diagnostician
  • Generic Special Education
  • Professional Counseling
  • English as a Second Language

Endorsements: Gifted Education

Undergraduate Program

The Counseling and Special Populations department offers an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in special education.

All students must satisfy provisions of the Texas Success Initiative program, which are listed elsewhere in this catalog. Developmental courses do not count in the GPA (except for determining full-time status and issues related to probation and suspension) and do not count toward graduation.

I. Requirements within the Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity:



PHIL 1370

*SPED 2371 Foundations of Special Education

ENGL 1301

*SPED 3371 Appraisal Processes for Exc Lrnr

ENGL 1302

*SPED 3372 Behav. Mod & Class Management Exc Lrnr

ENGL LIT   (any 2000 level)  

*SPED 3373 Teach Read/Lang Arts to Exceptional Lrner

COMM 1315

*SPED 4300 Professional Role of Special Educator

HIST 1301

*SPED 4307 C & I for Inclusive Classroom 

HIST 1302

*SPED 4311 C & I for Lifeskills Classroom

POLS 2301


POLS 2302

MATH 1314

MATH & SCIENCE REQ.  (13 hrs.)

MATH 1350

MATH 3312

PHYS 1405

MATH 3313

BIOL 1408

CHEM 2411 

PSYC 2301 OR SOCI 1301

GEOL 2377 

THEA 1310






PEDG 2310

*PEDG 3310 Child Development

PEDG 2342

*PEDG 3320 Educational Psychology

*READ 4305

*PEDG 3350 Math/Science

*SOCI 3301

*PEDG 3351 LA/SS

*EACH 4303

*PEDG 4340 Classroom Management


*PEDG 4350 Technology/Assessment

*READ 3360 Children & YA Literature

*PEDG 4630  Student Teaching  

*READ 3390 Literacy Develop & Read Inst in Elem School

*READ 3393 Emergent Literacy



1.  Must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program before enrolling

2.  Candidates graduating & certifying with this plan must meet ALL degree requirements and pass the PPR, Content Area, and Special Education TExES tests to become certified in accordance with Highly Qualified Status Regulations.

3.  SPED 2371, SPED 4300 added to provide additional support to students to enable passing EC-12 Special Education Test; SPED  4309 Curriculum & Instruction for Mild/Moderate no longer available as the field has shifted to the inclusion model

4.  EACH 4303 Instructional Strategies in Early Childhood Education added to further support EC-6 Generalist requirements

5.  READ 3326 Content Area Reading is replaced by READ 3390 Literacy Development & Read Instr. In Elem. School because READ 3390 is required as prerequisite to READ 3393; READ 3360 Children’s Literature added to further support EC-6 Generalist requirements

Graduate Program

The Counseling and Special Populations Department offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degrees in Professional School Counseling, Counseling and Development, and Special Education. For students already holding a master’s degree and teacher certification, the department offers course work leading to certification as a diagnostician, as well as special education and gifted education endorsements. It is the goal of the Master of Education and the Professional Certificate programs to provide the academic climate and practical experience necessary to produce teachers and other specialists of superior competence in their chosen areas of specialization.


Admission to a master’s degree program is required of all students taking courses in the Counseling and Special Populations Department. A maximum of nine semester hours may be taken prior to admission. For the on-campus program, non-admitted students wishing to transfer courses from another department or another university must have permission of the department chair before registering. Transfer credits from other institutions are not permitted for the online programs.

Admission to a Master's Degree Program

To be admitted to a program leading to a master’s degree in the Counseling and Special Populations Department, students must fulfill the general requirements for admission to the Graduate College as stated elsewhere in this bulletin in addition to the departmental requirements.

For all applicants to master's degree programs in the Department of Counseling and Special Populations (online and on campus), students with a 3.0 GPA undergrad or 3.0 in their last 60 hours are admitted unconditionally. Those students who do not have the minimum GPA are then required to take the GRE. Students required to take the GRE must meet the institutional GRE and GPA standard according to the formula (GPA X 50) + GRE Verbal + GRE Quantitative =/or greater than 428. The GPA used in the formula may be either the overall or the last 60 semester hours, whichever is higher. Students not granted admission may appeal the decision.

Students whose scores are below this standard may be considered on an individual basis and may be admitted by the department upon appeal to the department chair with letters of recommendation from current professor(s) and other letters of recommendation as requested. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is not accepted as a substitute for minimum scores on the Graduate Record Exam. If a student has applied for admission to a degree program and has not received notification of acceptance (or non-acceptance) within 30 days after application, the student should check with the Graduate Admissions Office.

Admission to Candidacy for Master’s Degree

After completing at least 12 semester hours of course work on the master’s degree, the student should apply for Admission to Degree Candidacy. Forms for admission to candidacy should be obtained from the Counseling and Special Populations Department Office and returned there upon completion. These forms will also be available on the department’s website. (NOTE: University regulations require the student be admitted to candidacy prior to beginning the last nine hours of course work). If a student does not have a letter certifying admission to candidacy within 30 days after making application, the student should check with the department office.

Step-by-Step Procedures

1. Apply for admission to the Graduate College of Lamar University.

A. Complete the application found at

B. Complete the Graduate Record Examination and have scores sent to Graduate Admissions, Lamar University, P.O. Box 11614, Beaumont, TX 77710.

C. Have all transcripts sent to Graduate Admissions as in “B” above.

  1. Consult with program advisor to develop a degree plan. NOTE: No deviations from the degree plan will be permitted without prior written permission of the advisor or department head.
  2. In consultation with the graduate advisor, select members of graduate committee. (The program advisor will chair this committee.)
  3. Complete at least 12 hours of course work from the degree plan (at least six semester hours must be from courses in the major) and apply for Admission to Candidacy. NOTE: A student must be admitted to candidacy prior to beginning the last nine hours of course work.
  4. Complete remaining course work.
    1. Complete requirements for graduation.
    2. Apply for graduation either through the online advisor or in the Graduate College office (219 Wimberly).
    3. Take and pass comprehensive examination during the last semester of attendance.
    4. To take the comprehensive examination, a student must be in the last semester of course work, have no incompletes (“I” grade) or unsatisfactory (“D” or “F” grades) on the transcript and have met all other requirements for graduation.
  5. Graduate.

NOTE: Completion of some master’s programs also includes completion of all course requirements for an additional certification. A student desiring the additional certificate must apply to take the appropriate TExES Exam at the Office of Professional Services and Admissions. The TExES exam may be taken only after all course work has been successfully completed. After successfully passing the exam, the student should apply at the Certification Office for the certificate.

Master’s Degrees in Counseling and Development

The Master of Education degree in counseling and development requires the successful completion of a comprehensive 48-semester-hour program of study as detailed in the degree plan and on the department’s website.

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

The Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors regulates licensing requirements for counselors to render services in the state of Texas through private practice, group practice, institutions, organizations, and similar types of arrangements. This board requires a master’s degree and 48 hours of course work that is primarily counseling or counseling-related course work. Students who need additional information or wish to complete academic work toward licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) should see their faculty advisor or contact the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors in Austin, Texas.

M.Ed. in Counseling and Development

LEVEL I – Foundation – 7 courses – 21 hours

CNDV    5382       RESEARCH METHODS                                                            

CNDV    5301       HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT                


CNDV    5322       PROFESSIONALISM, ETHICS, AND THE LAW                       

CNDV    5334       MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT                                         

CNDV    5323       CAREER DEVELOPMENT                                              


LEVEL II – Advanced Skills & Techniques – 4 Courses – 12 hours

CNDV    5310       INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP FACILITATION SKILLS (Prerequisite 5311, Required before taking Practicum)

CNDV    5351       CONSULTATION (Prerequisite – Research)           

CNDV    5312       GROUP COUNSELING THEORIES & TECHNIQUES (Prerequisite 5311, 5310 – Required before taking Practicum)


LEVEL III – Professional Development – 3 Courses – 9 hours

CNDV ____    COUNSELING ELECTIVE (5321, 5380, 5381, 5382)*      

CNDV ____    COUNSELING ELECTIVE (5321, 5380, 5381, 5382)*           

CNDV ____    COUNSELING ELECTIVE (5321, 5380, 5381, 5382)*        

LEVEL IV – FIELD EXPERIENCE  2 COURSES – 6 HOURS (Bringing total to 48 hours)


  • May be taken after completion of 36 semester hours with advisor and faculty permission.
  • Two Practicum courses may not be taken in the same semester.
  • Practicum may not be taken with more than one additional course per semester without advisor permission.

CNDV    5392       COMMUNITY COUNSELING                                      

CNDV    5393       COMMUNITY COUNSELING                                         

Master’s Degree in Professional School Counseling

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Professional School Counseling is designed to prepare educators who have a strong desire to help students succeed academically and to promote their well-being. School counselors focus their work on positive student development, especially high expectations, achievement motivation, and school engagement. Counselors help to build a caring and positive school climate, promote resiliency, provide support and guidance to students, and involve parents in schooling.

Lamar University’s M.Ed. in Professional School Counseling is a non-thesis totally online program designed to prepare educators to meet the requirements of School Counselor credentialing articulated by national and state standards and the Texas State Board for Educator Certification standards through:

  • Developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for fulfilling the school counselor role
  • Building a school community that supports the success of all students
  • Facilitating the well-being and development of children and youth in the educational setting
  • Delivering a developmental guidance program, intervention services, career planning, individual counseling, and planning based on student needs as well as supporting the educational mission of the school.

Students are required to complete 36 hours of coursework. This degree is offered only in a totally online format via the LUOnline program. The course of study is detailed in the degree plan and on the department’s website.

The practicum course is the final course and requires all other courses to be completed to enroll. The Practicum includes a mentor (supervisor) being assigned from the student’s district/campus, for a total of 160 hours.

Education requirements vary by state, but a master’s degree is required to become a certified counselor in Texas and most states. It is the student’s responsibility to determine certification requirements in the home state.

Each 5-week course emphasizes knowledge and skills within an application-based curriculum. This program can be completed in as little as 18 months.

Admission to the online program

Go to In the right corner, click on the box labeled “Apply Here.”
Note: Send all documents to the address provided on the Apply Texas website.

Professional School Counselor’s Certificate

A student who completes requirements for a Master of Education degree in Professional School Counseling will have fulfilled all curriculum requirements for a Professional School Counselor’s Certificate in the state of Texas. The student is required to take and pass with a score of 80 the TExES pre-test examination in order to be granted permission to take the TExES.

Prerequisites for the certificate include Texas teacher certification and two years of acceptable classroom teaching experience. After completion of the course work and passing of the pre-test, the student must take and pass the TExES examination. The student should apply for the certificate at the Office of Professional Services in the Education Building at Lamar University.

Students from outside the state of Texas should consult their state’s rules for professional school counselor certification.

M.Ed. in Professional School Counseling

CNDV    5382       RESEARCH                                                                                       

CNDV    5301       HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT                



CNDV    5322       PROFESSIONALISM, ETHICS, AND THE LAW                       

CNDV    5334       MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT                                         


CNDV    5323       CAREER DEVELOPMENT                                               

CNDV    5320       MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING                                    



CNDV    5390       PRACTICUM                                                            


  • Practicum may not be taken with more than one additional course per semester without advisor permission.
  • Students should apply for candidacy after 18 hours. G2 forms can be found at: Turn in completed forms to departmental office.
  • Applications to Candidacy MUST be completed BEFORE ENROLLING in the last nine hours of the Master’s Program.

M.Ed. in Special Education

To meet individual needs in this traditional program, some flexibility is allowed in planning the student’s program; however, the usual pattern of course work is indicated below. If a student desires, he/she may complete requirements for a standard five-year renewable Certificate as an Educational Diagnostician. In addition, the student may complete requirements for a Certificate in Special Education-Generic as part of the degree plan. This degree, if the student is pursuing one of the described certifications, is planned as a 36-semester-hour, non-thesis program. A student not seeking a certificate within the degree hours may complete a degree with a minimum of 30 semester hours plus a thesis.

The student should secure information concerning requirements for certification from the Graduate Coordinator. General information concerning Professional Certificates is presented in another portion of the College of Education and Human Development section of this catalog.

M.Ed. in Special Education (Generic Certification)

1. Professional Development Area. 9 semester hours are required:

PEDG 5310 Research and Accountability

PEDG 5340 Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Development


PEDG 5350 The Learning Process




2. Resource Area. 12 semester hours are required:

*COSP 5334 PEDG 5334 Assessment, Evaluation, and Interpretation

PEDG 5361 Survey of Learning Potentials of Exceptional Children

PEDG 5370 Public School Curriculum

PEDG 5388 Reading/Language Arts for the Exceptional Learner


3. Specialization Area. 15 semester hours are required:

PEDG 5362 Psychoeducational Evaluation of Exceptional Children


PEDG 5364 Behavior Modification and Contingency Management of Disabled 



PEDG 5365 Instructional Processes with Exceptional Children

PEDG 5366 Modification of Curriculum and Instruction for the Atypical Learner

PEDG 5375 Content Area Reading


M.Ed. in Special Education (Educational Diagnostician Certification)

1. Professional Development Area. 9 semester hours are required:

PEDG 5310 Research and Accountability


PEDG 5340 Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Development 


PEDG 5350 The Learning Process




2. Resource Area. 9 semester hours are required:

PEDG 5361 Survey of Learning Potentials of Exceptional Children (Req)

PEDG 5388 Reading/Language Arts for the Exceptional Learner

PEDG 5375 Content Area Reading

PEDG 5344 School Law

PEDG 5365 Instructional Processes with Exceptional Children (Req)


3. Specialization Area. 18 semester hours are required:

PEDG 5334 Assessment, Evaluation, and Interpretation

PEDG 5362 Psychoeducational Evaluation of Exceptional Children

CNDV 5321 Test Administration and Interpretation

PEDG 5363 Practicum in Psychoeducational Procedures

PEDG 5364 Behavior Modification and Contingency Management of Disabled  


PEDG 5366 Modification of Curriculum and Instruction for the Atypical Learner

General Information Concerning Professional Certificates

The Professional Certificate is a standard five-year renewable certificate and gives the holder legal authority to perform duties in the public schools of Texas in the specialized areas designated on the face of the certificate. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the process of applying for certification by contacting the College Certification Officer.


The certificate program in English as a Second Language (ESL) is designed to prepare educators to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In many states, teaching English as a Second Language requires a state-level certificate. The program is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to educate students from diverse backgrounds.

Lamar University’s certificate in ESL is a completely online program designed to prepare educators to meet the requirements of ESL credentialing articulated by national and state standards and the Texas State Board for Educator Certification standards through:

  • Developing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for teaching ESL
  • Building a school community that supports the success of all students
  • Facilitating the development of children and youth from diverse backgrounds in the educational setting

Students are required to complete 16 hours of course work. This certificate is offered only in a totally online format via the LUOnline program. The course of study is detailed on the department’s website.

The field experience course is the final course and requires all other courses to be completed to enroll. The field experience involves direct application of ESL instruction.

Education requirements vary by state. It is the student’s responsibility to determine certification requirements in the home state.

Each 5-week course emphasizes knowledge and skills within an application-based curriculum. This program can be completed in as little as 30 weeks.

Admission to the online program

Go to In the right corner, click on the box labeled “Apply Here.”
Note: Send all documents to the address provided on the Apply Texas website.

English as a Second Language 

A student who completes requirements for a certificate in ESL will have fulfilled all curriculum requirements for endorsement in ESL in the state of Texas. The student is required to take and pass the TExES. Students outside of Texas will need to take their state-level examination.

Students from outside the state of Texas should consult their state’s rules for ESL certification/endorsement.





ENSL  5301    ESL Instruction: Methods & Approaches

ENSL  5302     Literacy for English Language Learners

ENSL  5303     Understanding Language & Language Learning

ENSL  5304     ESL Curriculum and Assessment