BS Fashion Retailing and Merchandising

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Fashion Retailing and Merchandising

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

MATH 1342 - Statistics or PSYC 2471 - Intro to Statistical Methods

ECON 1301 - Principles and Policies

COMM 1315 - Public Speaking I, COMM 3310 - Business & Professional Speech or COMM 3340 - Interviewing



Required Courses for Major

Fashion Retailing & Merchandising Major Courses - 30 Hours

FCSC 1320 - Textiles

FCSC 2383 - Apparel Analysis and Evaluation

FCSC 2385 - Intro to Fashion Retailing

FCSC 3370 - Fashion Promotion and Advertising

FCSC 4320 - Fashion History I

FCSC 4325 - Fashion History II

FCSC 4336 - Merchandise Buying and Management

FCSC 4365 - Fashion Entrepreneurship: Retail Business Planning

FCSC 4367 - Field Experience

FCSC Approved Elective - 3 Hours

Family and Consumer Sciences Core - 6 Hours

FCSC 4301 - Senior Seminar Professional Development

Approved upper-level FCSC course

Required Business Courses:

ACCT 1301 - Survey of Accounting

MGMT 3310 - Principles of Management/Organizational Behavior

MGMT 3330 - Human Resources Management

BCOM 3350 - Business Communications

BULW 3310 - Business Law

MKTG 3310 - Principles of Marketing

MKTG 3350 - E-Marketing

MKTG 4310 - Marketing Management

Supporting Courses - 12 Hours:

THEA 2371 - Costume Contstruction

THEA 4350 - Costume Design

Approved Electives - 6 Hours



Elective Courses


