Committee Standards FAQs

Are Department Chairs allowed to serve as faculty?

No. Department chairs may not serve as elected/appointed faculty members unless otherwise noted.

How long does a committee member serve?

Committee and Council members serve a specified term or until replaced.

How are committee members from other campuses elected?

LIT, LSC-O, and LSC-PA members are appointed by campus presidents and are selected by procedures established by each campus.

Our committee has past members listed in red. Who do I contact to correct these names?

TBA or replacements for members indicated in red should be emailed to the Sr. Associate Provost office at:

When is a committee's first meeting of the academic year?

Committee/Council chairs or organizational chairs should call the first meeting in the Fall semester for early October in order to set goals for the current academic year which later will be documented as outcomes in May.

Who posts our committee's minutes to the website?

Minutes should be uploaded to the appropriate committee web page by the secretary or designee of each Committee/Council. For access and instruction, contact Web Communications at 409-880-7748.