September 10, 2015

Thursday, 09/10/2015
COM 101
Submitted By:
Kyle Mutz

September 10, 2015


1.      Updates from everyone

a.      DRC, options/Ubiduo

b.      October 10 Football – FM loop system

2.      Reggie Deal – software issues and procedures

a.      Advisors by major

b.      UAC - Shellie Richter – talk about grades first, policy procedure

3.      DRC – Kyle M./Erin T. (WOW planning/Events/Remote CART) Blood drive/service animals (Movies being shown on campus)

a.      Blood unit – education

4.      Wheelchair basketball tournament/CART Football Game

a.      October 10

b.      October 15 and 16 – planning phase

5.      Adaptive Inclusion for rec center activities

a.      Blind tennis

b.      Making accessible document workshops

6.      Other agenda items not covered