May 11, 2017

Thursday, 05/11/2017
COM 101
Submitted By:
Kyle Mutz

University Accessibility Committee May 11, 2017

1.       Introductions and updates from everyone

a.       171 Finals- alternative testing elect.

b.       Universal Design Workshop

c.       Charla- WGAC- accessibility (email Charla to set some ideas) Jan 2018

2.       Spring 2017 semester statistics

3.       Ongoing construction issues on campus

4.       Upcoming future projects for the new academic year

5.       Ubi Duo communication systems


-          Blackboard: Ally

-          Peer to peer

o   Capturing video

o   Rachel Red Talks video (captioning all videos)

-          Successful LU Success Launch

o   Aligned 4 appointments

o   Success ambassadors