
Anti Malware










How to minimize the threat of malware:

  • Use strong passwords - It’s the gateway to the network.
  • Use dual factor authentication
    Using a password and another personal form of identification, such as an app on a cell phone.
  • Don’t use administrative accounts - Unless absolutely necessary.
  • Avoid opening unrecognized or unexpected email
    Phishing is the most common method of getting infected.
  • Use a firewall and antivirus software and keep it updated
    Any computer that is connected to Lamar’s local area network (LAN) or VPN via a LEA account, is protected by Lamar University IT security systems and software. This includes anti-virus/malware and network protection. Lamar University systems are licensed for firewall and anti-virus/malware software. This software is updated and managed by Lamar University IT.
  • To check for anti-virus/anti-malware: 
  1. On a Lamar PC, mouse over the bottom right corner of your PC and click on the icon that looks like an up Show Hidden Icons arrow that is the “Show Hidden Icons”.
  2. Mouse over these icons until you find the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Malwarebytes and Symantec Endpoint Protection Symantec-1 icons.
  3. On a Lamar Apple computer, check the Tool Bar for a Yellow Shield Mac Symantec Endpoint Protection for Symantec Endpoint Protection. There is no anti-malware for Apple computers at this time.
  • For personal computers, Windows and Apple Operating Systems both come with their own firewalls. Make sure they are running and kept up to date. Window’s Operating Systems come with Windows Defender virus protection installed.  This applies to Windows Operating Systems back to Windows Vista. This is also available for Windows XP at no charge but it is a manual install.

    Apple computers do not have virus protection pre-installed. To learn which protection is best for you please visit the following website: Click on Mac Security Reviews and then click on the Latest Mac Security Report.

  • Keep operating systems, browsers, and other software up to-date
    These patches are often released to patch security flaws that could be exploited.
  • Use common sense
    Be careful when downloading files, attachments, and programs.
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