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Robert Wexelblatt is Professor of Humanities at Boston University. He has earned a B.A. English from The University of Pennsylvania, a M.A. English and American Literature from The University of Michigan; and a Ph.D. in English and American Literature from Brandeis University.
Professor Wexelblatt has published formal essays on American and Continental literature, philosophy and pedagogy, as well as various informal essays. He is interested in and has written about cultural figures from Scott Fitzgerald to Thomas Hobbes, Socrates to Bertolt Brecht, Albert Camus to Anton Chekhov, G. B. Shaw to Mary Shelley, Søren Kierkegaard to Gustave Flaubert.
In 1993, Professor Wexelblatt won the Peyton Richter Award for interdisciplinary teaching, and in 1983, he received the Metcalf Cup and Prize, Boston University’s highest honor for excellence in teaching. Winner of the 2008 Next Generation Indie Book Award for fiction, Wexelblatt’s Zublinka Among Women is a funny, gracious novel of ideas.