The Lamar University Alumni Advisory Board has elected Fred Vernon ’12, ’13 of Port Arthur to serve as 2020-
Fred Vernon
2021 president. Brad Brown ’81 of Beaumont will serve as past president and Nga “Tea” (Nguyen) Do ’08 of Beaumont will serve as president-elect.
New members of the board are: Zachary Celeste ’11; Brian Craig, dean of the College of Engineering; Joshua Davis ’11, ’15, ’19; Sheri (Horn) DelMage ’01, ’03; Sandra (Thomas) Duhon ’78; Dawanna Jones ’06, ’11; Scott McKenney ’77; Todd Senters, Sr. ’96; Marilyn (Arline) Smith ’80; Lila (Creamer) Stevens ’01; and Daylyn Turner ’07 all of Beaumont; Jerry Wallace ’07, ’10, ’14 of Humble; Maegan Collins ’16, ’18 of Nederland; and Emily (Everett) Allen ’98, ’04 of Sour Lake.
Brad Brown
Returning board members include Brittnee (Rodriguez) Barnes ’12; Brad Brown ’81, Nga “Tea” (Nguyen) Do ’08; Ryan Dollinger ’14; Sharita Gardner ’12; Brandon Johnson ’08; Scott McCauley ’81; and Kim Redmon ’93, all of Beaumont.
Other returning board members are: Jared Boudreaux ’98 of Bridge City; Linda (Seay) Allen ’02 of Hamshire; Aaron Lavergne ’17 and Brian Roberson ’09, ’10 of Houston; Aleiya (Samad) Bartlett ’13 of Humble; Manisha Patel ’17 of Katy; Teri (Bayless) Hawthorne ’04 of Lumberton; Lucas Bell -03 of Nederland; Cheryl (Boyd) Linscomb ’79, ’84 of Orange; Fred Vernon ’12, ’13 of Port Arthur; Rene’ (Slott) Latiolais ’04 and Brenna (Gordon) Rodriguez ’04 of Port Neches; Lauren Van Gerven ’13, ’15 of
Tea Do
Round Rock; Steve Grantham ’82 of Sour Lake; Scott Whitman ’06 of Vidor; and W. Glenn Smith ’67, ’70 of The Woodlands.
Alumni Advisory Board members serve three-year terms and support the Lamar University Office of Alumni Affairs by serving as advisors, advocates and ambassadors. Alumni Advisory Board members work to promote Lamar University pride and to develop and strengthen the bonds among alumni, students and the university community.