100 Years of Cardinal Pride Oral History Project

This is an oral history project to celebrate 100 years of Lamar University (1923-2023). Professor Vidisha Barua Worley and her students started this project on March 1, 2023. The goal is to record the history of Lamar in a live and vibrant form by interviewing subjects who are and have been associated with Lamar University for the past 100 years. The Cardinal voices will become part of the rich history of Lamar University. This project was funded by the Center for History and Culture of Southeast Texas and the Upper Gulf Coast and the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office.




Pillars of Lamar

The Pillars of Lamar are the persons associated with Lamar University who have contributed or are still contributing to the growth of Lamar University.  

Great Education

These are students and alumni who deeply appreciate the education they received at Lamar University over the years. 

Student Life

This section has interviews of students and alumni who greatly enjoyed student life at Lamar University since the 1950s.

Love and Marriage

In this section our subjects tell the stories of how they met their spouses at Lamar University, thus taking us into their personal worlds of love and romance that blossomed here.

Lamar Legacy

In this section, several generations of subjects attended Lamar University, making the University a legacy that they are proud of.

Great Place to Work

This section has interviews of subjects who have worked at Lamar University in various capacities as members of the staff, faculty and administration, and have greatly enjoyed being a part of the Lamar community for several years.