The Accessibility Resource Center works to help students with disabilities have access to other university offices that provide a wide range of services:
Career and Testing Center
Galloway Business Building, Suite 102
(409) 880-8878
Food Services
Dining Hall
(409) 880-8055
Scholarship Office
Wimberly Student Services Building, Room 203
(409) 880-1714
Student Health Center
(409) 880-8466
College Readiness Math Lab
Mathematics Department, Lucas Building Room 211
(409) 880-8093
John Gray Library
1st Floor
(409) 880-1898
Speech-Hearing Clinic
Speech and Hearing Building, Room 121
(409) 880-8171
Veterans Affairs
Wimberly Student Services Building, Room 101
(409) 880-8437
Financial Aid
Wimberly Student Services Building, Room 200
(409) 880-7011
Parking Office
Wimberly Bldg.
(409) 880-7275
STARS (Student Advising and Retention Services)
Communication Building, Room 109
(409) 880-7201
Writing Center
Gray Library, 1st Floor
(409) 880-8571
RISE Center for Independent Living: located in Beaumont, RISE is a great resource for people with disabilities looking to find resources and live more independent lives.
National Federation for the Blind: works to help eliminate barriers for individuals who are blind.
United States Paralympics: find information on how to participate in sports opportunities for people with disabilities.
Texas Association of the Deaf: A membership organization providing information and education on various issues affecting the lives of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing at all levels of the community.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Transition Resources for Texas: transition information, resources, strategies, and events provided for parents, students, and professionals.
Pepnet2: To improve postsecondary outcomes for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, including those with co-occurring disabilities.
Disabilities Rights: Advocates for, protects and advances the legal, human and service rights of people with disabilities.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
DO-IT: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology
DO-IT: Making Science Labs Accessible
DO-IT: The Center for Universal Design in Education – discusses the concept of Universal Design in education
DO-IT: The Faculty Room – great overall resource for faculty. Provides tools and insight in making education accessible to all.
PDF Accessibility – Instructions on how to make a PDF document accessible
Word Documents – Instructions on how to make a word document accessible
Captioning for Videos – one easy way to make sure your information and course is accessible is to make sure any videos are captioned. Before purchasing a video ask, for the captioned copy. If you need more information and resources, please contact the Accessibility Resource Center.