Maria G. Vallejo

Maria G. Vallejo

Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso, 2020
M.A., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 2013
B.A., University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 2009

Archer 200E
(409) 880-8530

Maria G. Vallejo is a borderlands historian specializing in Spanish land grants in Texas and nineteenth-century South Texas history. Her research explores the impacts that race, class, gender, and citizenship had on land tenure and property ownership in South Texas. Her published works include "The Formation and Early Development of the Llano Grande," in Yet More Studies in Rio Grande Valley History; and "Nuevo Santander: Its History and Life," in The Journal of South Texas. Dr. Vallejo was a fellow for the NEH-AHRC Spanish Paleography and Digital Humanities Institute hosted by the  LLILAS Benson Library for the University of Texas-Austin in Spring 2023. She has taught various courses in U.S. history and American ethnic studies.