Lamar University uses Watermark, an online course evaluation software, which provides colleges and universities with instructor and course evaluations.
The goal of online course evaluations is to improve the culture of course evaluations, by offering a customizable Internet-based solution that will provide better information for faculty and administrators to make data-driven decisions.
Research indicates that students perceive a third party as offering greater assurances of anonymity compared to a program hosted by the school. The results are higher participation, more thought out responses, and a larger bank of usable data.
2019-2020 SmartEvals Response Rates (PDF)
2018-2019 SmartEvals Response Rates (PDF)
2017-2018 SmartEvals Response Rates (PDF)
2016-2017 SmartEvals Response Rates (PDF)
Beginning Summer 2024, our course evaluations are now administered through the Watermark platform.
Please review our Course Evaluations Guide for more detailed information:
Watermark: Course Evaluations Guide
Should you have questions or need additional accommodations, email