Space Usage/Space Assignments
Reservations are valid only for the spaces and times indicated on the official confirmation document. (Please make sure that you allow enough time to adequately prepare inside the space.)
Reservations may not overflow into nearby spaces, lounges, or walkways, or into rooms not included on the reservation.
Furniture, plants, or fixtures in any University building may not be arranged or moved without prior consent from Event Management.
Event Management reserves the right to reassign spaces to serve the greatest number of programs and services. Event Management will provide prompt notification regarding any changes. Again, no reservation request should be considered a final reservation until an official confirmation is received via email from Event Management.
Event Management venues will follow the Lamar University academic calendar and close for indicated periods therein.
Events will be defined as single-day, multi-day (on consecutive days), and recurring.
Registered student groups and Lamar University Departments/Colleges may be allowed (1) reservation consisting of multiple consecutive days per semester in each Event Management venue. The maximum number of consecutive days per reseravation is four. After four days, Registered Student Groups and Lamar University Departments/College will be subject to standard venue rental fees for use of the space at the rate defined in the fee schedule.
Multi-day events will be confirmed at the discretion of Event Management based on existing reservations and other miscellaneous factors.
Registered Student Groups may not use Event Management facilities for recurring events such as Student Government meetings, club meetings, Panhellenic initiations, etc.
Lamar University Departments/Colleges may use Event Management facilities for recurring events at the discretion of Event Management and based on existing reservations/availability. Again, Event Management reserves the right to reassign venues to best serve the greatest number of programs and services, based on availability, emerging conflicts, and use of the space for revenue-generating events.