Consider and prepare your answers to the following questions:
Every year, the Panhellenic Council works with the chapters to provide interested women an accurate look at how much dues are and where their money is going.
Each chapter is required to submit a Financial Disclosure Statement. Links to these are provided below. This document is designed to provide you with detailed information on how much membership will cost for each organization. Each chapter has dues members are required to pay every semester; however, what is included in the dues varies from chapter to chapter.
We have provided a list of common fees our chapters charge as part of their dues structure. There is a possibility some chapters may have additional fees unique to their organization, so it is important to still ask for more information as you go through the Recruitment process.
Chapters dues will be discussed by the chapters during the first day of Recruitment.
If you have any questions, please contact the Panhellenic Council at:
The National Panhellenic Conference wants every potential new member to be informed about her options for joining a sorority. A PNM should only sign the MRABA when she fully understands the contract she is signing. She should have the opportunity to have all her questions answered. Signing this document is her acknowledgment that she understands the terms and conditions.
Read the Full Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement
Finding Your Perfect Fit Sorority Vocab for Sorority Recruitment Sorority Recruitment Information Event