B.S. Graphic Design

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Graphic Design
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Required Courses for Major

ARTS 1311

ARTS 1312

ARTS 1316

ARTS 1317

ARTS 2311

ARTS 2323

ARTS 2331

ARTS 2356

ARTS 3313

ARTS 2316/2326 or 3316

ARTS 3305

ARTS 3333

ARTS 3343

ARTS 4343

Free Electives

18 hours general electives

12 hours approved ARTS electives: ARTS 2301, 2302, 4356, 4380 &


Grade of "C" or better in progress in Studio Art sequence

Classes must be taken in sequence

Mandatory departmental advising

