G.N. Reddy, Ph.D.
Scholarly Works in Publication
Book Chapter
- Reddy, G. N. and D. M. Elmore (1989). Chapter 8: A CAD System to Design Microprogrammed Processors. In: G.W. Zobrist (ed.) Progress in Computer-Aided VLSI Design Volume I, Ablex Publishing Company, Norwood, NJ, pp. 283-302, 1989.
Book Manuscript for Publication
- Reddy, G. N. (1998-2007). Artificial Neural Networks: Theory, Computer Simulation Programs, and Applications, Department of Electrical Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas.
Journal and Conference Publications
- Reddy, G. N. and R. Kalyana Krishnan (1977). A 8080 Based Digital Signal Averager for EEG Evoked Response Studies, 2nd Annual Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, June 14- 15,2000 Bangalore, India, pp. 48-50.
- Reddy, G. N and Wendell C. Bean. A Time Delay Neural Net Simulator To detect Time-Domain signals, IEEE-Fuzzy 2000, San Antonio, Texas May, 2000.
- G. N. Reddy, Lan Yao, Wesley Broussard, W. C. Bean, and Bhaskar Yalamanchili (2001). A Visual Tool to Design Neuro-Fuzzy Controllers, IEEE-Fuzzy 2001, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001 (submitted).
- G. N. Reddy, Manish Jain and Leo Pius. The Genetic Algorithms -- A Tutorial, Artificial & Computational Intelligence (ACI), September 25-27, 2002, Tokyo, Japan.
- G. N. Reddy and Anirban Bhattacharjee. Genetic Algorithms for Physical VLSI Design, The 4th IASTED International Conference on MODELLING, SIMULATION, AND OPTIMIZATION (MSO-2004), August 17-19, 2004. Kauai, Hawaii. (Nominated for best paper award)
- G. N. Reddy, Manish Jain, Parikshith Ginna, Sudheer Baddam. OnlineEducator 2.0: A Complete ITPlatform to Create, Administer, Analyze, and Transmit Online Exams, IASTED International Conference on “Computers and Advanced Technology in Education”, CATE-2004, Kauai, Hawaii, August 16-18, 2004.
- G. N. Reddy, An EV-Simulator for Electric Vehicle Education, IEEE International Conference on Engineering Education, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec 7-8, 2009.