G.N. Reddy, Ph.D.
Research Interests
- Alternative Energy Sources
- Electric Vehicle Design
- Green Power Electronic Circuits
- Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic Expert Systems)
- Instrumentation Systems and Automation
Funded Research Grants as PI:
- Back-propagation Neural Net Based Speech Recognition System, U.S. Army Res Fellowship, $14,200.
- A Tool Set for Modular Construction of a Speaker Independent Isolated-word, U.S. Army, Res Fellowship, $9,200
- Development of a Computer Model for Time-Delay Neural Network (TDNN): Consulting, U.S. Army: STAS, $24,500
- Case Studies on Time-Delay Neural Network For Real-Time Speech Recognition, U.S. Army Res Fellowship, $17,200
- AMOCO Equipment Grant, AMOCO, $8,000,
- Preliminary Studies on Word-Spotting Using Artificial Neural Networks for Continuous Speech Recognition, U.S. Army Res Fellowship, $13,000.
- Preliminary Studies on Phonetic Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks, U.S. Army Res Fellowship, $10,500.
- A Robust Target Tracking System Using Artificial Neural Networks, Res Enh Grant LU, $5,000.
- Development of Advanced Navigational Guidance System: Consulting, Southern Avionics Grant, $22,000.
- A Human-Like Image Recognition System, Res Enh Grant LU, $5,000.
- Laying Head Temperature control Using Neural Networks -- Phase I: Consulting, North Star Steel Texas, $18,656
- G. N. Reddy et.al. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development: Phase I, Green Foundation, 1-1-06 to 12- 31-07, $10,000.