Ms. Carol Joy Benoit Born

BS in Elementary Education with Reading Specialization, Class of 1990
Interviewed by Vidisha Barua Worley on 03/01/2023
‘I graduated from Hardin Jefferson school in 1986. I went straight to Lamar University in the Fall of 1986. I went through the Education program. I graduated on December 22, 1990, on my birthday. It was a good birthday present. When I walked across the stage, they sang happy birthday to me. After I graduated from Lamar, I was immediately hired back by Hard Jefferson, and I have been here for 32 years.’

‘I attended a lot of the baseball games. When I was attending, Lamar did not have their football team. The next year, after I graduated, they put their football team back together.’

Campus Corner was our hangout. Campus Corner was a very tiny little restaurant, not like what it is now. We would get our chicken special or our gyro. Such a pleasant experience. Had a very good rapport with the professors who we would see out in the community. Two years I took American sign language. All the professors I had were absolutely wonderful.

‘Some of the friends I made at Lamar were in my wedding.’