Dr. Stacey Knight

B.S. in Nursing, Class of 1997
Associate Professor at the JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing
Began Working at Lamar University in 2010
Interviewed by Vidisha Barua Worley on 05/01/2023 
Carolyn Knight (Mother) Associate Degree in Nursing, 1986 Dr. Stacey Knight




‘I went to Lamar’s nursing program as an undergraduate. That paved my way into a career in nursing. Gave me a very good sound educational background. We have a great nursing program here at Lamar. I got a lot of knowledge and practical experience.  I feel that I was kind of advanced compared to students from other nursing programs. As faculty, when I was hired in 2010, I really was honored to be a part of the faculty that I had such respect for as a nursing student. Even though it was many years later, that sense of respect and honor was still there and I was so proud to be able to be part of the faculty. Lamar Nursing program, although small compared to a lot of the big schools, we have the highest pass rates for the state of Texas. That’s a great honor for our department. Also, because I had so much respect for my nursing instructors, for me to be able to now pass that knowledge forward to the next generation of nurses just like they did, that itself is an honor. It has come full circle now. I got my Master’s and Ph.D. from Loyola University. For the last 12 years I worked with someone I did my undergraduate with, and now she has gone to LIT to start their nursing program. That is kind of neat. I went to school with her all those years ago, and now partnered with her on all those projects, and there are some other previous faculty that also graduated with me. It is kind of neat to be able to come back later and teach with them. We struggled so much as students and then to come back and collaborate with them as faculty is pretty neat.