Daniel A. Brown

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs since July 2022
Interviewed by Ja’Naya Bob on 03/21/2023
‘I came to Lamar and what I found most interesting were two things. One, this has been one of the friendliest campuses I've ever been a part of. It’s just astounding to me how friendly and nice everyone is at Lamar and Beaumont, Texas. But I also think the thing that impressed me the most is the irony. I guess in some ways it’s ironic, the sense of resiliency. I mean, when I arrived in 2020, I got here just after Hurricane Laura. I just marvel at the resiliency of everyone here, that they just kind of get up and, you know, dust off their pants, and get busy in recovery. It feels like that’s all that this region has had to do for the last decade. I’m really impressed by that, and I’m really inspired by that.’

‘Our students who are graduating this spring (2023), they’ve been through the pandemic, they’ve been through the plant explosion, they’ve been through Hurricane Laura. They may remember, probably two tropical storms Imelda and Hurricane Harvey. That’s more than most universities ever go through in a lifetime. At Lamar, that’s just part of doing business, and the extent to which the campus recovers and rebounds just amazes me. I love being here. My wife and son and I love Beaumont, it is a great place to land.’