Dr. Sanaz Alasti

Professor in the Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice
Director of the Center for Death Penalty Studies
Began working at Lamar University in 2006
Interviewed by Vidisha Barua Worley on 10/12/2023
Dr. Sanaz Alasti with her most recent book! The Second Annual Death Penalty Conference at Lamar University in April 2023. Death penalty scholars from all over the world attended the conference.

‘Actually, when I completed my research at Harvard Law School, I started looking for a Criminal Justice teaching position and applied for positions at different universities.  In the end, I had a few offers.  I visited campuses all around the United States.  And, then Lamar University offered me an opportunity to teach here.  I had other offers, but I chose Lamar University because I felt that the people at Lamar were very friendly.  The colleagues in the department were very nice.  The second reason why I accepted the offer was because of my research which was focused on the death penalty and the high number of executions in Texas.  And, I wanted to do more research about the death penalty and find out why they execute more people in Texas.  So, I accepted the offer and I started teaching at Lamar University.  And, I’ve been here since 2011.


Lamar University is a very good place to teach.  Before I was at Lamar, I used to teach at a university in San Francisco.  But, Lamar University is a very unique place and the students really like to learn.  The professors here are open to students and help them and they appreciate it.  When I started teaching at Lamar, I didn’t know during the first year whether I wanted to stay. But, after a few years, I felt that my students really appreciated me.  And, the colleagues are very nice.  I can work with them and collaborate on research.  So, I decided to stay here and provide a better learning experience for my students.  Lamar University encouraged me to do research in my field.  I’m very happy.


I’m glad, Dr. Worley, that you are part of the Center for Death Penalty Studies at Lamar University.  I found the Center for Death Penalty Studies in 2013 and Lamar University has received much national and international publicity from that.  Three have been publications, presentations, and two conferences.  And, some students are engaged in the activities of the Center for Death Penalty Studies.  Another benefit of the Center for Death Penalty Studies at Lamar University is the courses we offer for graduate and undergraduate students that relate to the death penalty.  We have students that are involved in research projects for the Center.  Lamar University is very helpful, and they help us to have an annual conference.


Each year the Center for Death Penalty Studies has an annual conference, and we bring speakers from all around the world.  Places like Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and different states in the U.S.  Yes, some of these people fly to Lamar University from their home country to attend this conference.  And, after this conference, they really feel as though they have learned something.  Also, they see the beautiful campus of Lamar University.  The good thing about the Center is that we are not just one-sided.  We are not just against the death penalty.  We are open to any discussion.  We are not one-sided.  Each year, this international conference brings lots of attention to Lamar University. 


‘I have lots of fond memories with my students.  Of course, sometimes, you might have a little bit of conflict in the classroom. But, I’ve never had any real issues at Lamar University, and that’s because of the good administration, and good colleagues, and the students are very good too.  Yes, I have a four-year-old daughter, Matissa, and she loves the Lamar University campus. And when I ask her if she wants to go to an amusement park or Lamar University, she picks Lamar University.  She loves the campus and the classrooms.’