Administrative Coordinator in the Department of Psychology
Vice President of Staff Council
Began working at Lamar University in 2007
Interviewed by Keelia’Nae Landry-Yowman on 03/31/2023

‘I actually started working here December 2007, December 1. I work here, of course, but I also attended Lamar for a few semesters. I started out at Lamar Orange and also attended as an employee. Being employed here has been a great time in my life and I love what I do. I started here at the Dean’s Office in the College of Arts and Sciences under the applied arts and science program as well as our preprofessional program. I was the admin for both. I have helped to conduct several preprofessional interviews for our students and those are mock interviews for those who want to go on to professional schools like premed, predental, anything but pre-nursing and pre-law. I am in a position as an administrative assistant coordinator for psychology and political science …I am the Vice President of Staff Council at this time. I have been on the council for probably may be six years. I love what I do. All of my children have come to Lamar before they went on to other endeavors. My oldest granddaughter wants to come to Lamar already. She’s participated in quite a few of the cheer and dance camps that we used to have during the summer. She has also done the cheerleading for the games when they had that and she also attended the Cardinal View with me …she loves Lamar, the atmosphere of this campus. I have a son…possibly come to Lamar when he graduates…This campus and school has touched a lot in my life.’