Kyle Fayan

Associate Director for the Setzer Student Center at Lamar University
Began working at Lamar University in 2018
Interviewed by Lizbeth Sanchez on 03/01/2023
‘Working with the populations of students we have was new to me and what drew me here. That's really given me a more diverse perspective on the students that we have here and opened me to some of those new cultures. It definitely has cemented my enjoyment of being in this industry. It's good to see that we're reaching our 100th centennial anniversary here. And so, looking at some of the histories, looking at some of the old documents we have in the office and stuff, it's incredible to see the progress we've made and the number of students that we've impacted over the years. So, it's good to see the University is still here, still going strong, and still positive. From the third floor of the high school building to the full-size campus we have now, it's great.’