BS in Sociology, Class of 1962
Interviewed by Vidisha Barua Worley on 04/20/2023
‘Lamar made me.’
‘I got my GED in the Air Force. I got into Lamar on probation in 1956, went to night school for several years, then switched to day school and got a degree. My wife went back to school at Lamar. We have five children and all five of them attended Lamar. One of them dropped out to go to Air Force and never came back and finished.’
‘I was older than most of the students because I was in service and had come back. One of the ways I worked my way through school was by selling guns. I was a licensed gun dealer and I would carry guns all over the campus. I sold to students and some of the faculty. Nobody paid any attention to them back then.
‘I remember Dr. Bennet. I was taught by Dr. Setzer who later became the President of the University.’

‘We had a fraternity, Chi Gamma, a national fraternity, and we had to have military service for two years, with a bunch of us coming back from the Korean War. We were not as playful as the students in the other fraternities, we were more serious. But we were still a fraternity. Some students who had come back from World War II had started the fraternity.
‘We had a lot of engineering students from all over the world.’
‘Lamar made me. I was a high school drop-out. Nobody in my family had finished high school…now my family on both sides is saturated with college graduates…come to find out we were smart enough to do it.’