Mr. Dustin Galmor, Esquire

BS Finance, Class of 2003
Interviewed by JaCoby Brocks on 03/14/2023
‘When I was 18 years old and started going to Lamar as a freshman. Most of the dorms were not there when I was there. And I'm pretty sure they’ve modernized some of their sports facilities. Obviously, football came back….I took theater arts. When I first started, I thought I was gonna be an actor, and I really enjoyed the theater arts program. This probably was one of my favorite aspects of Lamar. But I ended up switching to business at some point. I would probably say that the theater arts classes were some of my favorite classes while I was there, for sure….A lot more people that come from out of the area into the area to go to Lamar. It would be nice if Beaumont could keep those students. It didn't seem like they were near as many out-of-town students at Lamar when I went there. …it's great that they bring in people from other areas.’